Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Bit of Unsolicited Punditry #5

This was originally posted on forums while discussing the concept of healthcare as a right on 3-29-09. It just felt appropriate here.


Your rights end where mine begin.

My money is my property and I am entitled to it for it is my means in which to pursue happiness and facilitates the means in which I exercise my right to life and liberty. You want food, water, shelter, clothing, work, TV and healthcare, you need to work for it yourself and not take what is my property and deny me the way I wish to live my life and use my liberty as long as it also does not take from yours. If my life is not able to provide for my wants, I must learn to work harder and better for what I desire in my life or learn to deal with what I cannot have.

Now, I have entered into a social contract to provide some assistance to others in the form of government, but government has no more rights than I allow it. Unfortunatley our government is out of control for certain citizens have turned it into a thief to profit themselves and their own moraes and philosophies regardless of my opinion of them forcing me to participate against my will. In this same manner, I cannot require a similar sacrifice from you.

This needs to stop, and it is my duty as a citizen to do just that and stop all those who support this type of life as well. I am seriously beginning to wonder how extreme an end needs to be reached in which I must go to secure my rights in this day and age if people will not agree to follow the same social compact.

Government is a means for social harmony... not a charitable foundation or religion or experiment in utopia.

Fairness as it relates to equality of results is incompatable with freedom, equality under the law and liberty.

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