Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Unsolicited Punditry #8

Urf Day Lamentations

Pundit's Note: These are my opinion. They are borne out by years of listening and looking around. If you want proofs on this, I will not be your research monkey. Do the leg work and prove or disprove me to yourself. If you want to tell me about something and introduce some new information to me, go right ahead. Be warned, I look at human behavior and the source and take all reports with a grain of salt. What you may think is true, I may see other traits behind it.

I am not a fan of Earth Day. As a matter of fact, I'm an out and out detractor of what I see as a fraud perpetrated on humanity. What makes it all the worse for me is the ubiquitous nature (bad pun not intended) of this fraud being ramrodded down everyone's throats, especially children! These poor kids are being terrorized with images of drowning from melting icecaps, dead polar bear cubs and burning sun! I mean it's like this was produced by Monty Python. "And now the Penguin on top of your TV set will now explode."

So, why do I say that Earth Day is a fraud?

1. Man cannot, never has and never will affect the way that weather and the climate works.

A friend of the family was a Doctor of Vulcanology. He put much of man's impact on the globe into perspective for me as a kid. One small/moderate volcanic eruption will put out more pollution in our atmosphere than all mankind ever did in it's history. I remember when Mt. Pinatubo erupted in 1990ish, there was one year that we had practically no summer. It was a cold year but not so cold that it was insurmountable. Even the eruptions of Mt. St. Helens wasn't so bad. Krakatoa's explosion only dealt a blow to the world climate for 2 years. This is why mankind cannot possibly affect the atmosphere.

What mankind CAN do is poison our environment, make species extinct and generally kill ourselves off, but the Earth will survive. We can make the air impossible for us to live with. We can poison the water. We can irradiate the soil. This will not stop nature. It will adapt and survive. What it will do is change the nature in which it WILL survive, most likely without us. Nature put the dinosaurs out of business after millions of years. Will we be able to knock ourselves off in the brief period between ice ages? Could we destroy the world in a scant 7 thousand years? Hardly.

2. All the solutions for this bogus climate crisis only serve to enslave people and control them with big government.

I call them Watermelons. Green on the outside, red on the inside. They basically started with the solution: World Socialism (Fascism really) The problem was, nobody was gonna buy what they were selling. They knew they needed to create a situation where people WOULD accept their control, and started to look for solutions. Then we get Teddy Roosevelt and John Muir. Suddenly the concept of the environment having rights starts to crop up. It explodes in the 1960's under Rachel Carson's fraudulant thesis in "Silent Spring" equating bird deaths to DDT. Since then the tests have proven her theory false, but yet the laws created banning the substance continue on. Before Rachel Carson, Malaria was on the run all over the world. Mosquito populations had plummetted. You do realize of course that as pests go, mosquitos are the #1 killer of mankind than any other animal? After Rachel Carson? Malaria has rebounded as well as yellow fever, scarlet fever and many other mosquito borne illnesses. To save birds from a threat that did not exist.

So you continue on, building on the little steps created by those before you. Next, you have the population bomb theory and "Soylent Green is People!" nonsense. Hollywood gets in on the act because apocalyptic stories are always en vogue helping amplify the terror visions in adults and children's heads. You start saying things like this is a problem for the whole world. Nobody can be left out or we all die. The Ozone hole (which has been shown to have it's own cycle, and not manmade), still holds sway over many thinking CFCs did it. Then you get a crazed former VP and presidential candidate to make a slide show based on false data and force feed it into as many schools as you can as "irrefutable truth" to corrupt the minds of kids in a form parents won't notice till it's too late.

Then the ground is prepped for your solution. And the only solution to a problem this big? Government. Oppressive totalitarian governmental control over your entire life. It's a crisis covering the whole world, we all must act together or die together. That's the joke. Collectivism on the march for a crisis that doesn't exist. International agreements, treaties, limits, cap and trade, economic measures to stop you from living the life you want because they wish to control you, and this is the crisis that makes you panic enough to enslave yourselves to them.

3. The science is NOT settled, and there are many many reputable detractors showing that it has become politically manipulated for the ends of others.

Lord Monkton is often a constant source of good information on bad science. You can look up what he's found. But here's a website you can find to prove that this "sudden rise" of temperature is based on faulty data collection. This site catalogs NOAA surface stations, where they collect data about the atmosphere and turn it into the weather reports you see on TV. For decades these surface stations have become compromised due to sprawl and poor location, but yet the data has been taken as unaffected. We need this fixed.

Oh, and the computer models? Well, small error in one of them. The hockey stick graph which is often used, forgets to take into account that the atmosphere is not infinitely deep! Yes, it has a top to it and then space! Kind of changes the parameters of the test now, doesn't it?

Garbage in, garbage out.

BTW, the NASA scientists who suddenly spoke out against this growing threat ignored by the Bush administration? They were protecting their pet project of trying to prove the effects of man-made global warming. That couldn't have had any effect on their choices to speak out, could it?

4. Those pushing the hardest are demogogues and looking for personal wealth. Many have and will profit from insane government overreach for a problem that does not exist.

This is ultimately summed up with the energy crisis the world is currently facing. Once again, it's a fraud. It is brought on by political machinations and an out and out lie of "Peak Oil". For those who don't know, Peak Oil is the theory that we have found all the easy deposits of oil, and there are no more. We have not only plateaued in oil productions, we have started to fall and once out of oil, it's all over but for the screaming. I'm not a real believer in "Abiotic Oil" or other forms of constantly renewable oil, but I do think we have been fooling ourselves in saying we looked the world over and found nothing more.

Summed up? Horse hockey. Here's WHY we haven't found more: Governments are preventing companies from looking for and exploiting new resources for political gain. Those people who are desiring the success of the Green movement are working hard to prevent cheap energy, especially hydrocarbon based energy. They want to starve the world of energy so they will enslave themselves to the nihilistic theory that mankind is the problem and needs to be depelted. Read Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six to see this theory of "mankind is evil" in action. I haven't read it yet myself, but Michael Crichton's last book "State of Fear" is basically a dissection and decimation of the whole global warming theory.

They want to force us into "effective alternate forms of green renewable energy". Bravo, good thinking. Small catch, the only thing that's really true about that statement are the words 'alternate' and 'energy'. Ethanol is neither green nor effective. It will raise food prices as it diverts crops from feeding people and will cause massive starvation if not stopped. It produces more "greenhouse gases" that petroleum. It destroys your engine, making it less reliable and breaks down easier. Most of all, it's an inefficient fuel that produces less energy than it takes to produce it. Solar is decades away from prime time, plus works only 30% of the time when the sun IS shining. Same with wind power, that requires it not be run on too windy of days for fear of breaking the turbine and blades. Not to mention the chopped up birds phenomenon.

Oh... and these are all heavily subsidized by governments, and if this money was removed, it would be far far more expensive than current petrochem or nuclear or hydro forms of power.

So why is it pushed? The people who stand to profit or who are CURRENTLY profiting from this fraud are protecting their gains. They are charletains worse than Enron ever could have been. Al Gore is profiting billions, personally, from his green energy enterprises being given your tax dollars. He also is a major shareholder in the carbon credit exchange that is due to be implemented by President Obama once the legislation is passed. Conflict of Interest? Noooooo..... I don't see any here!

T.Boone Pickens, former oilman has invested so heavily in windpower, he started putting out "public service announcements" showing how windpower is going to save America. Right, more like save his bank account.

These are frauds and charletains who should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail, assets from these dog and pony shows given back to the people.

5. The Green Movement has become a religion. No proof is neccessary, mankind is the threat and needs to be stopped. It is anti-human and nihilistic.

If it gets cold it's proof of the globe's warming. If it gets too hot it proves global warming. This is the mantra of a blind zealot. They believe, like a Christian believes in Jesus, that the world is burning up and it is mankind's fault. You cannot debate people like this, you can only shut them down, get them out of power and isolate them. They are insane. Their religion leads towards only one end: the extinction of the human race. If they want to die as a species, they should lead the way as far as I'm concerned, I'll be following shortly after (yeah, right).


These are the basic tenents for my hatred for Earth Day. I refuse to be caught up in such hackery, and feel that those tormenting our children should be confronted, called out and shut down. We need to seriously look at ways to expunge this religious holiday, from our nation's schools and television program. Conservatives and Libertarians who believe that government is selling us down the river have to start getting angry enough to fight back instead of saying 'yeah yeah whatever." That time has long since passed.

We need a new movement in this nation: Anti-Green. It doesn't mean that you are against clean water, clean air, food and animals. It means you are against the socialist solutions and your forced sacrifices to a nihilistic religion of death.

So when someone asks you to "Go Green", tell them "No, I've gone Black."
Fight the tide of enslavement and death that is slowly creeping towards us all.

Don't go Green, go Black. It's time to fight back.


Lee Kington said...

Although I don't totally agree with all of your points I do agree in general. Feel free to link to any information, reference, or video from my site the next you do one of these.

Resonantg said...

Thanks Lee. You're one of the best resources I've seen online when it comes to this stuff. So, don't be surprised when I do another "going black" article in the future I may pull some resources from you.

Jeffrywith1e said...

All is not lost. There is hope. As found in my Earth Day blog post...